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I guess they can do like you, retire or go find another job. No point in killing yourself. | |||
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Oh yeah. They had to prove that they're good little compliant libtard suck-asses. For the record, I got the vaccines, but also for the record, I don't care if someone else chose not to. ![]() ______________________________________________________________ I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer. | |||
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Three Staffers for Top Houston Democrat Indicted on Felony Corruption Charges for Allegedly Rigging $11M Bid for COVID Vaccine Program
>>> "LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame >>> I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity. <<< | |||
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This is actually hilarious on a few points. Boasting might get you killed: Thomas Senzee: longtime LGBT journalist mocks the non-vaccinated with the regurgitated “faster download speeds” trope, dies unexpectedly https://thecovidblog.com/2022/...e-dies-unexpectedly/ This happened back in November 2021. Nevertheless, I did not cry when I read it, I said to myself, "what an pompous idiot." https://www.bizpacreview.com/2...r-third-jab-1162553/ | |||
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Update 4/16/22 Friends, coworkers/associates, relatives, neighbors 10 dead 2 disabled for life 2 hospitalized w/known vxx injuries/side effects (now sent home suffering w/known vxx injuries/side effects) 1 rushed to ER for profuse nasal bleeding/blood clots post-vxx (no update, unable to contact) 3 suffering w/known vxx injuries/side effects (multiple symptoms worsening) 1 nurse, hospitalized, bleeding internally, not expected to live, determined vxx related 19 total (As of today, I'm done with counting/serves no purpose at this point) ******* Interesting observation: As some of you likely know by now, we live in a tiny community in an isolated place, on a mountain, at the edge of a Ntl forest. Along with the multiple at-home businesses and the little gourmet cafe that serve this remote area, we also have a small airport. That airport is utilized as the Air-Med/Life-Flight pickup point. When the shots became available groups of locals went together to be jabbed. On average, over the past 18+ yrs that we've been here, the Air-Med flights are 1 or 2 per yr. Now: Approximately every 90 days or so there are 3-4 Life-Flights within a 2wk period. The reasons have been stroke or heart issues. (no longer only mid-life to elderly/most recently a child) But hey, kids have heart attacks too, right? I know cuz I saw that info on the side of a bus. >>> "LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame >>> I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity. <<< | |||
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Oh! One more thing: Down below, in town, they're building a massive "COVID-19 Vaccination Center". mmmmkay >>> "LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame >>> I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity. <<< | |||
Diner Gradgrinder |
"died suddenly". I see this over and over on FB and other forums. Young people, old people, usually healthy. Has anyone watched the Mike Adams interviews on Brighteon with Dr. Ardis? Seems there's a link to snake venom having been used in the vx. Dr. Ardis has done incredible research to prove it and if this is true, it is the most evil deed ever to have been done to humanity. Part 1 is the longest one (about 1 hour) where he presents his documents. Part 1 of 3 | |||
There are similarities in peptides to what is found in snake venom but none of it is snake venom. Covid and vaccine injury symptoms are not comparable to snake venom poisoning. We did not develop Covid because of something in the water. Ardis's theory is nonsense. | ||||
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We've watched it 3 times now. Hard to wrap your head around what he's telling you because it is so bizarre about the snake venom. He's right how they quickly reverted back to the bat thesis and not the snake as the vector. Fauci knows where it came from. | |||
There's an excellent rebuttal here: https://pierrekory.substack.co...nom-and-covid-19?s=r and here: https://merylnass.substack.com...d&utm_medium=web&s=r | ||||
Yeetcow![]() |
So, here's a weird one. I am seeing an yuge surge in cases of both vascular and Lowy body dementia. In fifty year olds. All in the past twelve months. I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of folks I have seen in thirty years with pre geriatric dementia. Now I am seeing them at least once a month if not more. ![]() ______________________________ Don't pet the fluffy murder cow. | |||
Not weird given what we know about the neuro damage the jabs can cause. | ||||
Yeetcow![]() |
does anyone have updated info on what is going on in China right now? Shanghai has been quarantined, and it looks like Beijing is next. These are NOT small enclaves of infection, wtf. ______________________________ Don't pet the fluffy murder cow. | |||
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They have a vaccine that doesn't work and authoritarian measures that have worked too well, so herd immunity in China is where we were 18 months ago. The dominant variant is less serious, but 1.4 billion people and limited care facilities still adds up to a big problem. They are in a tough spot. The most sensible thing to do would probably be to let it run while the main variant is mild, but there are economic and political costs to that, so they appear to be gambling that buying time will eventually put them in a more favorable position. The problem is, there is no guarantee that we won't end up with a more serious variant that everyone but the Chinese has some immunity to. Perhaps they are developing a more effective vaccine or plan to purchase mainstream vaccines soon. It is definitely a puzzling strategy. | |||
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What proof do we have that there is a serious outbreak in China? I realize, of course, that people are locked up in their apartment buildings, but what actual proof do we have there are a lot of sick people there? My point being: Whatever they claim this "variant" is, it could be a new, more effective bio-weapon they've created and this act of locking people up could be just a "pose" by the ChiComms to give off the appearance that there's a serious outbreak (when there really is NOT) while they wait for it to spread to the rest of the world. ![]() ______________________________________________________________ I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer. | |||
Diner Gradgrinder |
Nothing gets out of China (videos, etc) that the Chinese government does want out. Any videos/reports you see should be viewed with some skepticism. Remember all of the people we saw bleeding out of their orifices and keeling over in the streets at the beginning of the plandemic? None of that happened here. Just sayin'. | |||
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![]() ______________________________________________________________ I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer. | |||
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34717185/ Hepatitis in young children now? It’s never the vaccine though..At least that’s what they say! | ||||
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There's a lot of information about the Pfizer vax in this article. It was written after the FDA released (some) of the Pfizer clinical trials documents in response to an FOIA request by 'Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency'. (too much information to detail here) COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed >>> "LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame >>> I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity. <<< | |||
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I don't get why celebrities have to announce that they have a cold. WTF! As if they're the only person on this planet that is lucky enough to get covid. The guy is 73, too bad he didn't take better care of himself. Poor baby has a cold. An announcement of Stage 4 cancer would have been more newsworthy. Sharon Osbourne says she’s taking off from work after Ozzy’s COVID diagnosis https://thehill.com/blogs/in-t...zys-covid-diagnosis/ | |||
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