I know there has to be more than one person here that can advise me...
The beans, pinto beans, they're alive! We soaked them overnight, checked them when I got up and they had started sprouting! Never had this before. They're organic, from nuts..dotcom. They had a bit of bubbly foam on the surface of the water along with some sprouted, floating beans.
DH did a quick search and everything says they should not only be ok, but healthier. I dunno know, they spooked me. My concern is that they spent the night on the counter next to where the fridge vents warm air, plus we had gone full-bore with the wood stove cuz it was 30° last night = really warm inside. They don't have a bad odor or any odor that I can detect. I guess they're ok ..got 'em on the stove & gonna go ahead & cook 'em.
So... they shouldn't be bad after soaking in a warm environment for 12-14 hours, right?
"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame
I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.
Sounds like you over-soaked them. That, combined with the heat caused them to germinate and sprout. People eat bean sprouts all the time. In fact, it's said they are healthier that way. They will cook a bit faster and have a little sweeter taste. But totally safe to eat. Next time, put them in the fridge to soak overnight. I'll add, even in the fridge, on occasion I've had fresh peas start to sprout. I've still used them and have lived to tell about it. Bon appétit!
... I may have put too much cayenne in them, will find out later. fresh baked cowboy bread & rice may moderate that. we'll see.
btw, "cowboy bread': that's The Judge's thing, he makes it. I wouldn't even attempt it. it's addicting, doesn't last much longer than a day & a half. nom
"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame
I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.
WOW while I was taking a nap DH added a big hunk of butter and a pound of smoked bacon. The broth was so thick & rich! The beans & rice are supposed to be EOTW stash, but I dunno now cuz dayum! that was good.. and enough for 3 meals, just the 2 of us. If I could I'd dish y'all up a bowl & have optional corn bread with it. Would that be considered 'Southern' or 'Texas' food??
"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame
I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.
Originally posted by sunny225: That sounds soooo good, poodles! Enjoy.
I think it would be so cool & fun to have a get together, a kind of pot luck/party thing, but we're all so many miles apart. Imagine meeting Charlie.. or Shinny! ermahgerd! lolol Brutus! OH NOES! lol And the ladies, from the shy to the spicy. Tons of food, ale, sweets, and a blazing bonfire.. by the sea shore. What a hoot that would be. A weekend to remember.
"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame
I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.
Originally posted by sunny225: That sounds soooo good, poodles! Enjoy.
I think it would be so cool & fun to have a get together, a kind of pot luck/party thing, but we're all so many miles apart. Imagine meeting Charlie.. or Shinny! ermahgerd! lolol Brutus! OH NOES! lol And the ladies, from the shy to the spicy. Tons of food, ale, sweets, and a blazing bonfire.. by the sea shore. What a hoot that would be. A weekend to remember.
I think it would be cool too! Hmmm. Maybe we could come up with a plan to see how many we could get together one weekend.
Originally posted by sunny225: That sounds soooo good, poodles! Enjoy.
I think it would be so cool & fun to have a get together, a kind of pot luck/party thing, but we're all so many miles apart. Imagine meeting Charlie.. or Shinny! ermahgerd! lolol Brutus! OH NOES! lol And the ladies, from the shy to the spicy. Tons of food, ale, sweets, and a blazing bonfire.. by the sea shore. What a hoot that would be. A weekend to remember.
I think it would be cool too! Hmmm. Maybe we could come up with a plan to see how many we could get together one weekend.
Or a video cbat or two? Not sure I'd be able to travel bht would love to meet the bunch.
Uncle Bob's would like to apologize to the following people or groups of people who we undoubtedly have offended over the course of the past few years. If you feel you have been personally offended then take this apology to be specifically for you. Otherwise, we apologize to Jewish Mexicans, President Barack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm a.k.a. Hopey McChangey, Catholic Priests who dork little boys, vegetarians, Fruit Loop, Atkins' Diet adherents and other fat-asses, Dennis J. Olson, Delta Lady, Joe and his Socks, paranoid persona's, space aliens, Illegal Aliens, Boy Scouts, same sex aficionados, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Canadians, ditch diggers, people who support the aforementioned, people on Prozac, Mel Gibson, Nazi Mods, Tiger Woods, motorcycle gang members, rag heads or towel heads or any other Middle Eastern personas or personae, Crotch Bombers, Britney Spears, the blind, the entire Gay and Lesbian community, Charlie Sheen, Black Panthers, NAACP, and anybody who has ever been called Lard Ass.