I'm at the end of 3 year rotation of ivermectin, fenbenzodol and praziquantel and it's been productive toward better health. Yet they lack in the ability to knock down the symbiotic cohort protozoa and fungus.
I started feeling really crappy again. I saw Dr. Eddie Eats Paste who gave me the protocol after a spider bite. He told me to use the Natri Chlor in my cabinet he and the homeschool group put it when they did a rural health preparedness project.
So yeah, I drank home mixed public pool water and killed the slime monsters within. I did once a day for 3 days and that was plenty. I won't hesitate to do it again if I get exposed to black mold, viruses or weird shit again.
Uncle Bob's would like to apologize to the following people or groups of people who we undoubtedly have offended over the course of the past few years. If you feel you have been personally offended then take this apology to be specifically for you. Otherwise, we apologize to Jewish Mexicans, President Barack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm a.k.a. Hopey McChangey, Catholic Priests who dork little boys, vegetarians, Fruit Loop, Atkins' Diet adherents and other fat-asses, Dennis J. Olson, Delta Lady, Joe and his Socks, paranoid persona's, space aliens, Illegal Aliens, Boy Scouts, same sex aficionados, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Canadians, ditch diggers, people who support the aforementioned, people on Prozac, Mel Gibson, Nazi Mods, Tiger Woods, motorcycle gang members, rag heads or towel heads or any other Middle Eastern personas or personae, Crotch Bombers, Britney Spears, the blind, the entire Gay and Lesbian community, Charlie Sheen, Black Panthers, NAACP, and anybody who has ever been called Lard Ass.