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Two or more shooters….watch this
43,174 Tard Points
Her Royal Tardiness,
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If you do nothing else today, watch this….


My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

Posts: 9765 | Registered: November 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Her Royal Tardiness,
The Alpha Purge-Mistress
"Cares With A Fist"
Picture of Traitor Vic
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From what I understand, the secret service was inside the building where Crooks shot from. It appears as if that is where the shots came from per this guy above.

So, Trump is still in much danger. High danger and close proximity.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

Posts: 9765 | Registered: November 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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If there were two or more shooters, he would be dead.
Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by dissimulo:
If there were two or more shooters, he would be dead.
So says the guy too arrogant to look at the data and analysis first.
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Brutus
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Originally posted by dissimulo:
If there were two or more shooters, he would be dead.

Yep. Thumbs Up


I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
Posts: 2910 | Location: southwest Mississippi | Registered: August 20, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The main thing I got from this guy's presentation is that he doesn't understand much about guns, ammo, etc. and hasn't spent much, if *ANY* time around gunfire.

He kept harping on that shot that clipped the guy on the far side of Trump maybe being the same shot that clipped Trump's ear, but that's ridiculous. It could've just as easily been *ANY* of the shots. He said .223 ammo comes in 55 gr. and 62 gr., and that's *probably* what this little doofus was using, but .223 ammo is available at least up to 80 gr. .223 ammo in 68 gr. up to 77 gr. is also very common. And that puff seen in the video is not necessarily the bullet disintegrating. That could've been paint or galvanized coating off of the metal of those stands.

As far as the sounds are concerned, it seems obvious to me that the first 3-4 shots were slower and more deliberate and the remainder were a rushed burst of rapid fire - just "spray and pray". The way the sound gets all jumbled up are the supersonic cracks and the reports of the shots stacking up on top of each other and overlapping. Also, the differences in the sounds of the shots that are heard in the second video clip are easily explained. With that idjit laying on that metal roof, just a slight difference in the elevation of the barrel above the metal can result in a very different sound. When he rips off that rapid fire string he's most likely got the barrel rising, as is very often the case with a rapid fire string from a relatively inexperienced shooter.

I've put a shitload of rounds downrange in my life in all sorts of conditions - on an actual range, out in a farm field plinking, in the woods hunting, etc., etc., etc. I've also spent time pulling targets in the pits in rifle matches where rounds are going maybe 8' over your head. I've also been downrange when inadvertent rounds were jumping the backstop berm on an adjacent range and came whizzing by in my general direction.

What this guy is carrying on about is a bunch of nothing.

In general I agree with Dissimulo. If there had been more than one shooter, Trump would be dead.


I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
Posts: 2910 | Location: southwest Mississippi | Registered: August 20, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Webster:
So says the guy too arrogant to look at the data
and analysis first.

We have entered the phase of this event when all new information will be garbage. That's just part of the usual cycle. Now it is about nth tier scavengers fighting for clicks.
Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
43,174 Tard Points
Her Royal Tardiness,
The Alpha Purge-Mistress
"Cares With A Fist"
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My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

Posts: 9765 | Registered: November 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
43,174 Tard Points
Her Royal Tardiness,
The Alpha Purge-Mistress
"Cares With A Fist"
Picture of Traitor Vic
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And this



My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

Posts: 9765 | Registered: November 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A pretty thorough and bias free analysis from Garand Thumb

(edited to correct Youtube link)

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Don't pet the fluffy murder cow.
Posts: 4596 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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I just watched the entirety of Oversight's congressional hearing. I'm stunned by the bipartisan dedication to ripping the bitch apart.
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by dissimulo:
We have entered the phase of this event when all new information will be garbage. That's just part of the usual cycle. Now it is about nth tier scavengers fighting for clicks.
This is so off the mark. Maybe because this isn't the usual cycle. The new "information" is evidence. Additional microphone locations. Body cams. Conflicting cya state v local reports. Sorry you're missing out.
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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No splatter. Why weren't pieces of his skull and brain all over the roof?
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Webster:
No splatter. Why weren't pieces of his skull and brain all over the roof?

Excellent question!
Posts: 438 | Location: Southern Born! | Registered: August 22, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Webster:
No splatter. Why weren't pieces of his skull and brain all over the roof?

The rifle used by the counter-sniper is probably .300 Winchester Magnum caliber. At no further range than the shot was taken, the energy level of that round impacting the target was probably great enough to disperse blood and brain matter so thoroughly that there wasn't really an immediately obvious "splatter" in the area surrounding the shooter's body.

There was probably nothing but the proverbial "pink mist" that most have heard of before.


I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
Posts: 2910 | Location: southwest Mississippi | Registered: August 20, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Nope. It wasn't dispersed. The head was still intact. Just a stream of blood.
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Two shooters. Echo analysis of sonogram from "Source 4" confirms that shots 1-3 originated from a different location than 4-8. We already knew from various audios that those two sets of shots sound very different.

Did you know that for the 2 years Trump has had USSS protection, July 13 was the first time there were any USSS snipers?

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Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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