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Assassination attempt on Trump?
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Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jefiner
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Either gross incompetence, or a set up. Right now, I am leaning towards a set up. Too many things just don't add up.

time to decorate a few lamp posts in Dee Cee. Starting with Mayorkas. Mad


Don't pet the fluffy murder cow.
Posts: 4610 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well the problem with the following is thus... why didn't this fool shoot anyways? Do you have to wait for orders from above to do the right thing? Is this guy just a robot--or what? He can't act on his own (in a no-brainer)when faced with a life and death situation?

Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of dissimulo
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Originally posted by Jefiner:
Either gross incompetence, or a set up.

It is so very hard to underestimate the heights of incompetence that can be reached by government, particularly when multiple agencies in multiple separate power structures are involved.

The number of unimpressive looking women in the SS detail was a revelation even to me and I expect government to be massively incompetent at every opportunity.
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Diner Gradgrinder
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This is the correct headline.

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This is an article/opinion by Andrew Torba CEO, Gab.com about the assassination attempt on Trump.

There Is No Unity With Evil
Andrew Torba, July 15, 2024

In the wake of the failed assassination attempt on President Trump, the nation is in disarray, trying to comprehend the events that transpired and the path forward. The heartbreaking loss of Corey Comperatore, a devoted father, husband, and fire chief who sacrificed his life to safeguard his wife and daughter from the shooting, serves as a poignant reminder of the stakes at hand. As the Uniparty talking heads clamor for “unity,” we must not lose sight of the underlying issues that have led us to this point.

For nearly a decade now these people have spent every waking moment demonizing tens of millions of ordinary, hardworking Americans as “nazis,” “racists,” and “deplorables” while marking Donald Trump as “Hitler 2.0.” There can be little doubt that this led to the violence we saw unfold this week.

They want you to forget that these are the same people who were calling for us to be locked up and have our children taken away for refusing to take their death jab vaccine. The same people who closed down our churches and refused to let us see our loved ones during their final moments of life. The same people who have been calling us all as domestic terrorists for the great and terrible sin of wanting a sovereign country for our progeny.

The same people who called us insurrectionists and locked up hundreds of our own for the crime of walking around the Capitol. The same people who burned down our cities in the summer of 2020 and called us racists for daring to complain about it. The same people who have been censoring and banning us from social media platforms, banks, and payment processors for years.

There will be no unity with people who hate us and want us dead, who advocate for the killing of infants, promote the use of hormone blockers for children, endorse the sexual mutilation of minors, support men participating in women’s sports, and who seek to dismantle the traditional family structure. There will be no common ground, no compromise, and no collaboration with these wicked, vile, and disgusting demons.

We must give them no quarter.

These hollow calls for us to unite are an attempt to merge groups of people who live in two very different realities with diametrically opposed beliefs, values, and aspirations. This creates a false sense of harmony that is doomed to fail. There is a reason all these Silicon Valley scumbags, media elites, and politicians are rallying behind Trump and calling for unity after eight years of calling us all “nazis” and trying to destroy our way of life. They know that they are all at the top of our list of wicked people who did this to our country, culture, and society. More importantly they know that our patience is running thin.

In short: they are terrified of you, and they should be.

This is a thinly-veiled attempt to pacify and silence those who have been demonized and marginalized for years. By suggesting that we should unite with those who perpetuate evil they are attempting to dilute the strength of our convictions and our moral compass. We must not fall for this illusion. Instead, we must continue to stand firm in our beliefs and values, knowing that true unity can only be achieved when good triumphs over evil.

In order to cultivate a truly unified society, we must first recognize the impossibility of an alliance between good and evil. We cannot compromise our moral and cultural values in the pursuit of unity, as this will only lead to the erosion of our identity and the further destruction of our society.

I also want to make it incredibly clear that we can and will achieve victory without the need for violence. What we need instead is the courage to boldly proclaim the truth. We must have zero tolerance for these wicked and depraved people in our communities, churches, and organizations. We must have the discipline to put in the work required to rebuild our society without them.

These destructive and toxic people will destroy themselves and everything around them, it’s what they do best as we saw very clearly in the summer of 2020. We need to get as far away from them as possible and keep them away from us by having zero tolerance for them. Then we need to get to work rebuilding our society while they continue on their path of self destruction.

In today’s world where the lines between truth and falsehood are increasingly blurred, it takes courage and audacity to speak the truth fearlessly. Sadly, many pastors and priests tremble behind the pulpit, silencing themselves out of fear that their liberal congregation members might feel the sting of divine conviction from God’s Holy Word and get offended. Strangely these same pastors seem to have no issue whatsoever with rebuking their zealous conservative members who are actually proclaiming what the Word of God says.

This fear and double standard paralyzes them from addressing the wicked and perverse worldview that has infiltrated their churches. It continues to spread like the disease that it is until eventually it overtakes the entire church. It is time for our spiritual leaders to rise up and embrace the audacity of speaking the truth boldly about this wickedness from the pulpit or get out of the way and let men of great character and courage get the job done.

As Christians, we are called to be the light of the world, to shine the truth of God’s Word in a world that often prefers darkness. Light does not unite with darkness; it engulfs it. We are meant to be the voice of reason and morality in a society that has lost its way. This cannot happen if our leaders are too afraid to speak the truth. Far too many Christians fear the wrath of the world instead of the wrath of God.

Some may argue that we should avoid controversy to maintain unity in our churches, families, and communities. Unity at the expense of truth is a false unity. The truth is what unites us. It is better to have a divided society that is grounded in the truth than a unified society that is built on lies and deception. It’s time to wake up and smell the roses and realize what time it is. The time for false unity is over and the time for boldly speaking the truth is here.

The truth is powerful and it has the ability to change hearts and minds. When a man stands up for the truth, they may lose some friends and even family, but they will gain the respect and admiration of those who value honesty, integrity, and passionate conviction. We are not lacking in men of great intellect, but we are unfortunately lacking in men of great courage.

It is time for Christians to find the courage to speak the truth fearlessly. We must recognize that our primary allegiance is to God and His Word, not to the vapid political opinions of the liberals in our churches and communities. We must be willing to stand up for the truth in our families, our workplaces, our churches, and our communities. We must be the voice of reason and morality in a world that desperately needs it. We must be willing to look these people in the eye and say “no.”

We cannot be swayed by the false promises of unity with those who seek to destroy everything we hold dear. We must remain steadfast in our convictions and continue to fight for the values that define us as a people. Only then can we achieve true unity – a unity that is founded on the principles of righteousness, justice, and truth in Jesus Christ alone, not in liberal democracy.

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com
Christ is King
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Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jefiner
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The number of unimpressive looking women in the SS detail was a revelation even to me and I expect government to be massively incompetent at every opportunity.

This surprised me as well. One female agent could not figure out for the life of her how to holster her weapon. Unfortunately, her incompetence and lack of training has caused a deluge of derision for all female LEOs out there.

What's worse, the Secret Service head said they didn't station anyone on top of the shooter's building because the roof sloped.


I thought roofs were supposed to slope, to shed rain and leaves. And, ffs, that building wasn't exactly the House of the Seven Gables. My wild assed guess is maybe a slope of around 10 degrees. Not exactly Tora Bora, where a lot of our snipers made hay.

Still say this is a set up, and the narrative has pretty much self immolated.


Don't pet the fluffy murder cow.
Posts: 4610 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
43,174 Tard Points
Her Royal Tardiness,
The Alpha Purge-Mistress
"Cares With A Fist"
Picture of Traitor Vic
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It is all too coincidental, just like the JFK assassination which is still not solved to this day, at least with any of my own comfortable finish.

That roof excuse is the number one reason for this. Then we have the whole area unsecured. Plus the lack of able bodied secret service. Now the fact they cannot find a motive. Hell, the motive was he wanted to kill Trump, we don’t need that in writing. But couldn’t get into his phone? Ahhh, sure. We know they were in there and deleting things faster than Hillary with her bleach bits. They don’t want us to know. But why? Pretty sure the kid was a hired patsy for ego boosting up a nerd who couldn’t make the rifle team, so telling him he was gonna be a leftist hero. Did he hit any target? I doubt it, but he sure was easy enough to kill to keep him quiet. One of their guys did hit. God was good enough to protect Trump in that nanosecond.

Like Dan Bongino (ex Secret Service) said. With any of the sighted movements of the Crooks kid that was seen, by the cops, crowd in attendance and Secret Service, he would be off stage pronto or, in a normal world he was used to when on the job.

The lady DEI Secret Service Director needs her title changed to “Director of Excuses and Ridiculous Theories” and promptly fired. Send her back to Pepsi to guard the liter bottles of soda and potato chip bags. She made more money there anyhow.


My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

Posts: 9775 | Registered: November 02, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
43,174 Tard Points
Her Royal Tardiness,
The Alpha Purge-Mistress
"Cares With A Fist"
Picture of Traitor Vic
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That nerd didn’t need to write down any motives.

His Television set gave him all the motives necessary to become a potential killer. Go to any local or national news outfit, MSDNC all the way to The View.

But, they were into that phone quicker than a Jack Russell getting in a trash can filled with rats.

I know this because I just adopted a Parsons Russell. That is a Jack Russell with longer legs. He can get into anything he has a reason to invade. Which by the way, is everything.


My easy-going nature is gettin' sorely fuckin' tested.

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Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
1003 Tard Points
Picture of Jemima
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Originally posted by Shinmen Takezo:
Well the problem with the following is thus... why didn't this fool shoot anyways? Do you have to wait for orders from above to do the right thing? Is this guy just a robot--or what? He can't act on his own (in a no-brainer)when faced with a life and death situation?

I read last night the SS sniper who blew the shooter's head off was relieved of duty for "disobeying orders" and taking the shot without permission.

Right there, stupid bitch girl boss whose ignorant authority is more important than letting a pro do his job. I'm sure he has a place on Trump's security team or joined the US Marshals and has a place on Trump's security team.

Let's talk about the fuckin' meter maids. Hopefully they're on Dr. Jill's security detail now.

8 years of stochastic terrorism from these commie assholes calling for Trump's assassination and violence to his supporters, now these fuckers want peace and unity? I think not.

It's First Blood.

My Constitutional Republic is a threat to their Mob Rule Democracy. I will walk in that every day.
Posts: 1626 | Registered: October 22, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
1003 Tard Points
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