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Assassination attempt on Trump?
Diner Gradgrinder
Picture of Ginger Quill

About the 8:22 mark, his hand goes up to his ear before the shot or after? SS covers him up and he asks to get his shoes first, lol. Raises his fist and says "fight, fight, fight".

Does this look staged?
Posts: 917 | Registered: August 16, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Not staged... shooter was a shitty shot, or had his scope miss-zeroed. His ear was grazed. They were trying for a head shot.

Mr. President... when you get into office, BURN IT ALL DOWN! BURN DOWN THE MOTHERFUCKERS TO THE GROUND.

This was obviously an attempt by the CIA or other alphabet agencies--they/them are desperate and with this broad-daylight attack, means they are now OUT OF CONTROL.

Now watch their patsy turn up dead--and excuses and the MSM will fly with a narrative.
Posts: 9564 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diner Gradgrinder
Picture of Ginger Quill
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I don't see how anyone can get a weapon past security. You park your car a mile away and are bussed in and literally can only walk in with the clothes on your back and a phone. That's getting "into" the event. I'm sure the outside venue has tight security as well.

By now they must know who it was.
Posts: 917 | Registered: August 16, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of dissimulo
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Man, that was close. An inch or two to the right and he would have been history.
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Diner Gradgrinder
Picture of Ginger Quill
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Suspicious package, clearing the crowd. Probably an FB-lie pipe bomb.
Posts: 917 | Registered: August 16, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Shooter killed by Secret Service... no doubt there will be a carefully crafted manifesto/diatribe/backstory that the shooter supposedly left behind... carefully crafted by deep-state operatives (ie: CIA/alphabet agencies).
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What Can Go Wrong
Picture of Charlie
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He was lucky to only get a Mike Tyson out of this.

Obama Sucks!
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Fifth Column Freeper
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Interesting info
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Call me the Breeze -------
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