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Trust the "Science"
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Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers

MONDAY, MAY 27, 2024 - 02:45 PM
It's yet another reminder of why blindly 'trusting the science' may not always be the best go-to move in the future.

217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.

"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"
Posts: 1625 | Registered: October 22, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of dissimulo
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Science is only as trustworthy as the people who practice it and, unfortunately, people are both much less trustworthy than they used to be and equipped with a toolkit for deception that Machiavelli would have considered an embarrassment of riches. The scientific method is as valid as ever, but the bureaucracy of science is corrupt. Its incentives are misaligned with its purpose.

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Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Brutus
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Originally posted by dissimulo:
Science is only as trustworthy as the people who practice it and, unfortunately, people are both much less trustworthy than they used to be and equipped with a toolkit for deception that Machiavelli would have considered and embarrassment of riches. The scientific method is as valid as ever, but the bureaucracy of science is corrupt. Its incentives are misaligned with its purpose.

Yep. They'll come out with any sort of "study" that keeps the grant money flowing in.

Roll Eyes


I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
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Originally posted by Brutus:
Yep. They'll come out with any sort of "study" that keeps the grant money flowing in.

And, even moreso, whatever it takes to obtain a degree, which is maybe the biggest generator of junk science now, particularly in Asia. Plus, in North America and Europe, we now have entire "social science" fields that are utterly fraudulent. We have those because we allow people to go to college who are not smart enough to take part in existing fields and nobody ever stops their progression. There are people publishing papers in bullshit disciplines who do not have the intellectual horsepower to be shoe salesmen.
Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Brutus
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Originally posted by dissimulo:
Originally posted by Brutus:
Yep. They'll come out with any sort of "study" that keeps the grant money flowing in.

And, even moreso, whatever it takes to obtain a degree, which is maybe the biggest generator of junk science now, particularly in Asia. Plus, in North America and Europe, we now have entire "social science" fields that are utterly fraudulent. We have those because we allow people to go to college who are not smart enough to take part in existing fields and nobody ever stops their progression. There are people publishing papers in bullshit disciplines who do not have the intellectual horsepower to be shoe salesmen.

Thumbs Up

Yeah, all those gender studies and queer studies programs are SOOOOO academically rigorous.

Makes me feel like a rocket scientist for having been a history major.



I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
Posts: 2910 | Location: southwest Mississippi | Registered: August 20, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Alley Cat
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I have always been a “trust the science” kind of girl. I have always believed that Scientific method is the key to finding what treatments are validated. A very wise instructor once told me that What isn’t told is that methods that aren’t profitable aren’t published or studied.
Who can we trust?
Posts: 32 | Registered: October 01, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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