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Rural mailboxes

As long as I can remember, the game of smacking rural mailboxes with a baseball bat at night has existed. And then there's the occasional incident where someone accidentally hits a mailbox with their vehicle. That happened to our mailbox a few years ago. (day-drinker aka alcoholic w/a history) The wooden mailbox post was transformed into toothpicks and the box demolished. Home insurance covered it, the drunk's insurance paid up, covering materials and labor.

We decided that we never want to dig another big f'n post hole in rock again. This is how we replaced it:

9' long/6" diameter heavy gauge steel pipe sunk 6' deep in 500# of concrete, pipe filled with concrete, topped with a heavy gauge steel plate (welded to the pipe) and a heavy gauge steel locking mailbox bolted to the steel plate

When purchasing all the construction materials the various employees commented that the finished product would be immovable. The guy at the fabrication shop said it would stop a snow plow. Well, it did, only it wasn't a snow plow. It was a pickup truck which had to be towed away on a flatbed. The box suffered structural damage which was expected if it got hit again. DH managed to pry the locking door so it still functions but it's obviously not water-tight. So we have to buy a new mailbox and bolt it onto the steel plate.

The magical immovable mail station has officially earned its keep. mudbug


"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame


I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.

Posts: 6170 | Registered: August 21, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Brutus
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In some jurisdictions you can be held responsible for any injuries/damages resulting from someone crashing into a mailbox or mailbox post that is not installed in a "breakaway" manner.

Just food for thought.

true. so far they haven't so much as notified us that they hit it/we had no contact with them. we'll see what happens, if anything

OH SHEEIT Brutus, I clicked the wrong button and posted into your post. I meant to quote you. sorry, my bad Doh

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I am Brutus. Or, Lord Brutus if you prefer.
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Picture of Jombi
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Correct. It has to do with the posted speed limit, or so I was told by USPS. If the speed limit is 30mph or less, it can be made of brick, steel, whatever. Any road in which the speed limit is over 30 mph requires mailboxes to be the breakaway type. Now, whether anyone actually checks that or not... I suppose in the event of an accident, even if caused by an impaired or distracted driver, there could be grounds for some liability on the homeowner.

Putting the fun in dysfunction
Posts: 745 | Registered: November 26, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Originally posted by Jombi:
Correct. It has to do with the posted speed limit, or so I was told by USPS. If the speed limit is 30mph or less, it can be made of brick, steel, whatever. Any road in which the speed limit is over 30 mph requires mailboxes to be the breakaway type. Now, whether anyone actually checks that or not... I suppose in the event of an accident, even if caused by an impaired or distracted driver, there could be grounds for some liability on the homeowner.

there's no posted speed limit. people up here drive like maniacs. they kill a lot of deer and occasionally themselves


"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame


I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.

Posts: 6170 | Registered: August 21, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jombi
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Putting the fun in dysfunction
Posts: 745 | Registered: November 26, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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one day, coming up the mountain, the road was backed up. 1st responders on scene, etc. the road is barely wide enough for 2 cars, no lines, drops off on one edge into the canyon, sometimes they land in the river far below.

sheriff finally gets one-way controlled movement going. as I approached the scene there's a woman in an SUV... in a tree. yes, the SUV was in a big oak tree. they were having difficulty getting her to allow the firemen to help her get out of the SUV (and tree). she was scared. and drunk, with her foot firmly planted on the brake. Roll Eyes


"LIVE! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!" Auntie Mame


I never asked for trust funds. They were thrust upon me. Have pity.

Posts: 6170 | Registered: August 21, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of dissimulo
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You're lucky to have mail delivery. Here, they moved all the unpaved routes to PO boxes 25 years ago. And since most people don't go to the post office more than once a week, thieves hit it constantly.
Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of bigbadbossydawg
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I live rural and mail theft is a big deal here. Got rid of the box and got a PO box 30 years ago. End of problem.
Posts: 1512 | Registered: September 21, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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