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25th Amendment Death Pool.
Picture of Jefiner
Starting now.

I give it ten days before the sniffer and his vicious wife are escorted off the premises.

But I have been wrong before. 1dunno1


Don't pet the fluffy murder cow.
Posts: 4596 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Jombi
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I don't know. Jill and the deviant first son seem dead set on remaining in place. Hunter needs multiple pardons. They have to wait until the after the IRS trial and conviction at the very least.

Biden may be forced to withdraw from the race, but I don't see him resigning as POTUS. 25ing him won't get enough backing to get it done. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Biden ousted as POTUS ushers in the queen of cackle. Why give her the honor of being the first female POTUS? She's done absolutely nothing to earn that spot in history. Personally, I hope Biden remains in place for all of it and we see more and more examples of decline and lies covering it up. There is no way all this started after the last election. No way.

Putting the fun in dysfunction
Posts: 745 | Registered: November 26, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of dissimulo
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My guess is that they have too many competing interests to topple him now and Kamala's odds of being president are better with Biden at the top of the ticket. They will try to keep him propped up and mostly out of sight and hope that he can carry her across the finish line.
Posts: 3086 | Registered: April 13, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
1003 Tard Points
Picture of Jemima
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Next Wednesday, in the Lincoln bedroom, with a needle.
Posts: 1625 | Registered: October 22, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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For those who want the prick to go away and have the means to make it happen, the nuclear option is threatening to release the Hur tapes. More than anything Joe and Jill want to stay in power, but second to that they want a glowing legacy. The Hur tapes would destroy the legacy. If Jill and Joe don't want it released, he has to stand down before the DNC convention. But I think it will be before the end of July.
Posts: 1586 | Registered: August 04, 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
1003 Tard Points
Picture of Jemima
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Originally posted by Jemima:
Next Wednesday, in the Lincoln bedroom, with a needle.

After claiming he would step down if he was ill and a doctor told him to step down, Biden announce on Wednesday he has Covid and was going to bed.

Has he been seen today? Will he step down or will he die from the covid like our grandparents? Isn't this the covid variety that's supposed to be super deadly and requires a new vaccine?

If Biden emerges from this refreshed and lucid, look around. Where's Hunter?
Posts: 1625 | Registered: October 22, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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BREAKING: Mark Halperin: Biden to Drop Out of Race as Early as Sunday, Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris – Open Convention.. and More!

Posts: 9549 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Posts: 9549 | Registered: August 15, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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