I prefer to listen to and observe the ocean of bullshit out there. Then do my own analysis and try to get at least close to the truth. You on the other hand are just a parrot spewing out your own one sided bullshit on steroids.
Uh-huh. I understand now. FYI--I am posting this information because of how close the USA is pushing the world into WWIII.
And that's bullshit? UH-huh.
FYI--the Ukrainian launched their 'counter-offensive' it seems today... and from first report they are getting waxed, having advanced into pre-laid artillery/rocket kill zones prepared by the Russians.
Take a look at the reads on this thread and the other thread--you think these numbers came from people here? People are tuning in to see what is really transpiring out there--unlike you and others.
Hard cold facts that most choose to ignore. Perhaps Shinny posts some off the wall stuff that ruffles some feathers but anyone willing to read this may start looking at things we do and have done more objectively.. https://www.lewrockwell.com/20...istory-of-the-world/
Posts: 2721 | Location: | Registered: April 23, 2015
Programmed--correct. With a lot of conservatives, even if you wrapped a shit-sandwich with a Glad-wrap American flag ziplock, they'd eat it anyways. And like it--and defend liking it. Also argue about the merits of eating shit sandwiches.
Uncle Bob's would like to apologize to the following people or groups of people who we undoubtedly have offended over the course of the past few years. If you feel you have been personally offended then take this apology to be specifically for you. Otherwise, we apologize to Jewish Mexicans, President Barack Hussein Obama Mmm Mmm Mmm a.k.a. Hopey McChangey, Catholic Priests who dork little boys, vegetarians, Fruit Loop, Atkins' Diet adherents and other fat-asses, Dennis J. Olson, Delta Lady, Joe and his Socks, paranoid persona's, space aliens, Illegal Aliens, Boy Scouts, same sex aficionados, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Canadians, ditch diggers, people who support the aforementioned, people on Prozac, Mel Gibson, Nazi Mods, Tiger Woods, motorcycle gang members, rag heads or towel heads or any other Middle Eastern personas or personae, Crotch Bombers, Britney Spears, the blind, the entire Gay and Lesbian community, Charlie Sheen, Black Panthers, NAACP, and anybody who has ever been called Lard Ass.