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Baba Venga Speaks; Jefiner Vanishes..
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Baba Vanga, also known as Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, was a woman renowned for her alleged powers of precognition. The world is going to end, and humanity's inevitable downfall and extinction is set to start in the year 2025, according to an alleged prediction by the late Bulgarian mystic and soothsayer Baba Vanga, multiple media outlets reported.

[link to www.jpost.com (secure)]

I made similar premonition based on date numerology:

; 2025 = 202-5 = xxx-5 = ----5 = 5

Year 2025 is a base 5 cycle. According to Genesis scripture, base 5 corresponds with the 5th day creation:

Gen 1:20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Gen 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

See waters in boldface. Here is its revelation:
Posts: 12343 | Registered: September 24, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Where are you Ken?
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Where are you Jen?
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Timeline to the end of humanity (according to predictions dubiously attributed to a dead Bulgarian mystic)
2025: The inciting incident that kicks off the ultimate end of humanity will be an unspecified conflict in Europe, which will devastate the continent's population.

2028: Humanity needs more energy. To do this, they will manage to explore Venus to find new energy sources. This may be one of the most unbelievable parts of this timeline since Venus is essentially an inhospitable hellscape with an atmosphere so acidic that nothing could survive, and no space probe has ever managed to survive more than a couple of hours.

2033: Climate change is very dangerous, and that shouldn't be understated. However, Baba Vanga supposedly predicted that at this point, the polar ice caps would melt, and sea levels would rise drastically worldwide.

2076: Ever see the old episode of The Simpsons where Russia flips a switch and the Soviet Union suddenly out of nowhere reforms, the Berlin wall shoots back up out of the ground, and a zombie Vladimir Lenin smashes out of his crypt groaning about crushing capitalism? Well, it may not be like this exactly, but Baba Vanga's alleged prediction claims that at this point, Communism will not just be back but will take over the entire world.

2130: Skipping ahead to the next century, humanity will, at this point, supposedly make contact with aliens. What could go wrong?

2170: Climate change is going to get worse, and at this point, a drought is supposedly going to spread across the world.

3005: Perhaps it's due to human colonization, or perhaps it's aliens. Regardless, at this point, there will supposedly already have been some kind of civilization on Mars. And they will fight a war with Earth.

3797: At this point, due to any number of reasons, the Earth will supposedly no longer be able to support life. Humans will allegedly leave their homeworld at this point and move on to parts unknown.

5079: This is it. The end. The grand finale. And, of course, with as vague of a prediction as this is, if this was even a real prediction at all, we know nothing about it. All we know is that the world will end. Yes, the world will supposedly already be uninhabitable by this point, so what this refers to is honestly anyone's guess. Does it go out with a bang or with a whimper? Is there a great epic battle or a rather anticlimactic incident?
Anonymous Coward
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United States
07/08/2024 12:19 PM
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Re: Blind soothsayer says 2025 is start of humanity's downfall...
This might be the most effort I've ever seen put into explaining such a stupid idea.

You took the letters T and E out of the word 'water' and changed the color of the text for emphasis...

Apparently, according to you, this somehow qualifies as numerology.

Maybe instead of numerology, you should focus on reading comprehension, because apparently you didn't learn the basic, underlying principle of language, which is that words don't just mean whatever you want them to mean.

A whale isn't a bomb.

Living things aren't bombs.

Water isn't a war.

Numerology isn't making shit up and taking letters out of words.

Words have actual meanings.
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Picture of Jefiner
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Originally posted by MAXIMUS PANDAMONIUS:
Where are you Jen?

I'm right here, toiling in the gates of hell.

I follow Edgar Cayce's prognostications.


Don't pet the fluffy murder cow.
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I was worried.
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